2023 Annual Conference

The National Big Data Health Science Conference is a signature annual event of the USC Big Data Health Science Center (BDHSC). The theme of the 2023 conference was “Unlocking the Power of Big Data in Health: Translating Data Science into Program Development and Implementation.” Highlights of the conference included keynote and panel speakers from diverse areas of the health sciences, government, and academia as well as poster sessions, networking events, and breakout sessions in areas of artificial intelligence for sensing and diagnosis, electronic health records, genomics, geospatial and social media research. The Conference was held on February 10 – 11, 2023. More detailed information about speakers, panels, workshops, and other conference details is available at https://www.sc-bdhs-conference.org/program-2023/.

2023 Conference Proceedings

This proceeding contains some of the oral and poster presentations from the 4th National Big Data Health Science Conference (Columbia, SC, Feb 10-11, 2023) that was organized by the University of South Carolina Big Data Health Science Center (BDHSC). Proceedings of the 4th National Big Data Health Science Conference* were published on November 23, 2023, on BMC Proceedings, which is an online, open-access journal publishing proceedings of conferences across all scientific and clinical disciplines, including peer-reviewed full-length articles, collections of abstracts, and meeting reports.

Keynote Speakers

Michael Amiridis

30th President of the University of South Carolina

Susan Gregurick

Associate Director for Data Science & Director of Office of Data Science Strategy, National Institutes of Health

Refilwe Nancy Phaswana-Mafayu

Director, South African Medical Research Council, University of Johannesburg Pan African Centre of Epidemics Research Extramural Unit & Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences

Rena Patel

Assistant Professor, Division of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine & International Clinical Research Center, Department of Global Health, University of Washington

Fahui Wang

Cyril & Tutta Vetter Alumni Professor, Associate Dean, the Graduate School, Department of Geography & Anthropology, Louisiana State University

Michael Wimberly

Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma

Thomas Chandler

Dean, Arnold School of Public Health, Professor, Environmental Health Sciences

Valerie Rogers, MPH

Director, Government Relations, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

Linda Jordan, MSc

Principal Analytical Consultant, SAS

Lori Scott-Sheldon, Ph.D.

Chief of Data Science and Emerging Methodologies in HIV, National Institute of Mental Health

Julius Fridriksson, Ph.D.

Professor & Vice President for Research, University of South Carolina