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Address: 915 Greene Street, Suite 408, Columbia, SC
Phone: 803-777-5027; Fax: 803-777-6290

Subscribe to the South Carolina Big Data Health Science Network (BDHSNET) Listserv

The BDHSNET is composed of members across the State of South Carolina (SC) from a variety of disciplines who for the most part are actively engaged in utilizing Big Data in health science research, or are in leadership roles aimed at promoting, and/or making strategic use of data and analytics for health care policy and practice.

Supported by both the SC SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality (CHQ) and the UofSC Big Data Health Science Center (BDHSC), BDHSNET will promote interdisciplinary and inter-sector collaborations in cutting-edge research and discovery, professional development and academic training, and technology commercialization and entrepreneurship.

The BDHSNET Listserv will serve as a virtual platform to facilitate communications and collaborations among the network members. If you are interested or know of other colleagues or friends who might be interested in joining BDHSNET, please follow the steps below.

  • Send an e-mail to:
  • Subject line should be empty
  • In the body of the email type the following: SUBSCRIBE BDHSNET First Name Last Name
  • Send the message without a signature

If the subscription is successfully sent, you will receive a message from the Listserv system informing you of your acceptance. If you have not been successful and need assistance, come to the Arnold SPH Health Sciences Computer Lab and we’ll help you, or call University Technology Services at 803-777-1800.