University of South Carolina Big Data Health Science Center (BDHSC) is seeking proposals for the conduct and uptake of pilot research projects focusing on the Big Data analytics in addressing critical issues related to health behavior, healthcare, and population health. The purpose of this RFP is to invite pilot project applications on the utilization of […]
Research Computing and the USC Big Health Data Science Center will jointly co-host an in-person NSF ACCESS HPC Monthly Workshop on “Machine Learning and Big Data” sponsored by ACCESS and presented by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. The workshop will be held on May 23-24, 2023, from 11AM-5PM on May 23 and 11AM-5:30PM on May 24. This workshop will […]
Please use the below form to register for the workshops.
Utilizing Big Spatiotemporal Data to Understand COVID and its Impacts by Dr. Chaowei Phil Yang Event Time: Wednesday August 30, 2023 @10:30-11:30am Event Address: Discovery Building, Rm 140 (915 Greene St, Columbia, SC 29201) Please register here.Spatiotemporal