“Bayesian Regression for Group Testing Data”

Room 140, Discovery I 915 Greene Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Abstract: Group testing involves pooling individual specimens (e.g., blood, urine, swabs, etc.) and testing the pools for the presence of a disease. When individual covariate information is available (e.g., age, gender, number of sexual partners, etc.), a common goal is to relate an individual's true disease status to the covariates in a regression model. Estimating […]

BDHSC Live Lecture: Big Data in the Time of COVID-19

BDHSC invites UofSC Faculty/Staff and Students to a live lecture. When: Apr 24, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Live Lecture: Data Science in the Time of COVID-19 Register in advance for this webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xntSAcMVTW6KwxM1xt1M8w After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.       […]

Big Data Analytics Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning of Challenging Neuroimaging Datasets

Zoom Webinar

Due to COVID-19, this workshop has been postponed. We have switched to a virtual format and will now hold to workshop via Zoom Webinar.  Synopsis The increasing volume and variety of neuroimaging datasets demand advanced modeling techniques to answer scientifically relevant questions such as causality and treatment effect. This workshop features novel statistical and machine learning approaches for […]


Leveraging the Science of Where for COVID-19 Response and Recovery

Zoom Webinar

The Big Data Health Science Center is hosting a 90-minute interactive webinar with representatives from ESRI in Redlands, CA. This webinar will focus on data visualization and analysis of COVID19 data using the ArcGIS platform. Pre-registration is required for the webinar (limited to 100 attendees). Interested in registering? Please contact Miranda Cole at MC95@mailbox.sc.edu for […]

Collaborative Data Conference with VA Health Care System and BDHSC

Join us virtually for an opportunity to partake in a collaboration between UofSC Big Data Health Science Center and the VA Health Care System to discuss game changing healthcare analytics. Leaders from the VA and BDHSC will come together to give in-person presentations highlighting the innovative possibilities of big data approaches to healthcare research. The […]


Novel Pattern Identification Methodologies for COVID-19 Medical Patient Data

Zoom Webinar

Abstract: Novel pattern identification methodologies have been developed based upon mathematical methods used in theoretical physics.  The resulting powerful algorithms can be utilized to find clusters in both numerical data tables of the attributes of things and of networks of connectivity among things. This research develops a transformative pattern identification algorithm to analyze COVID-19 patient […]

Quantifying Neighborhood-Level Social Determinants of Health and Risk Landscapes Seminar

Zoom Webinar

About the Event:Associations between social and neighborhood characteristics and health outcomes are well known but remain poorly understood owing to complex, multidimensional factors that vary across geographic space. Growing interest in quantifying social determinants of health (SDOH) at a small-area resolution must account for such complexity. In a recent cross-sectional study, a Kolak-led team developed […]
