The ODT Flow Explorer is an interactive geospatial web portal that lets you extract, query, and visualize human mobility and worldwide population flows using billions of geotagged Tweets and Safe Graph mobility data. At the core of the explorer is an origin destination time data cube coupled with big data computer cluster to manage, query, and aggregate billions of origin destination flows at different spatial and temporal scales. This app can benefit a wide range of domains that need timely access to fine-grained human mobility records.
The four main features of this app allow you to,
- Generate choropleth maps
- Generate flow maps
- View Cross-Unit Movement
- Download data
This app is still in the early stages of development. As a next step, we will add mobility data aggregated for other geographic levels, including US census tract Safe Graph data. The data sets will also be updated periodically as data becomes available. We also plan to add WebGL support, such as, to the system so that large dataset visualization can be handled more efficiently. REST APIs will also be added to support flexible data access and integrations with other data sources and applications.
The study and system development are supported by the National Science Foundation (2028791), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (R01AI127203-4S1), and the University of South Carolina COVID-19 Internal Funding Initiative (135400-20-54176).
For more content about this app visit the Geoinformation and Big Data Research Laboratory at the University of South Carolina.