T35 Travel Reimbursement Policy

As a part of this program, the NIH has provided support to reimburse trainees for initial travel to the university from the trainee’s point of origin, and back upon conclusion of the program. This page outlines the specific policies and procedures around reimbursement for the different modes of travel you may use, based on the NIH guidelines. If you do not see your mode of travel on this page, please contact Ms. Audrey Auen, Program Coordinator (akkuhn@email.sc.edu). 

*NOTE FOR TRAVEL: We understand that travel can be unpredictable, and we cannot anticipate every single scenario, so please make sure to discuss any decisions regarding travel and any associated complications with Audrey Auen and Banky Olatosi. We will work with you to make sure you are taken care of! This includes extending your housing accommodations if needed. While we appreciate and understand that red-eye flights can be unavoidable, please know that program staff will respond as soon as they are able. 

*NOTE FOR REIMBURSEMENT: Before reimbursement checks are issued, you will be given a form to sign at the end of the program, which will verify your mailing information. It is your responsibility to provide and validate the correct address for checks to be mailed. Errors in addresses might result in delays and missing checks/reimbursements. The University reserves the right to not reissue checks due to address errors. Please check and validate your addresses before signing your travel reimbursement form. When traveling by car, an economy-priced flight comparison will be done for any mileage over 500 miles each way, and the traveler will be reimbursed the less of the two. See the university’s travel policy for more information.

Diving a personal vehicle

The following procedure outlines the guidelines for trainees who wish to be compensated for driving their personal vehicle to campus. If the distance traveled to campus is under 60 miles, you will not be compensated for travel (per university guidelines). Please note that rental vehicles will not be compensated beyond that of highway mileage reimbursement for initial travel to the university from the trainee’s point of origin, and back upon conclusion of the program due to the potential liabilities (See the Uber, Lyft, or other Taxi/Shuttle Service section of this page). When you arrive to campus, we shall arrange shuttle services to facilitate travel between housing and learning facilities at specific times as needed.

Driving a personal vehicle policy/procedure. Trainees who are driving to campus must indicate such in a form provided by the program coordinator (PC) upon acceptance to the T-35 summer research program (see T-35 Trainee Logistics Form or contact Ms. Audrey Auen for questions). In this form, the trainee must indicate:

  1. Your exact name as listed on your government issued ID (i.e. driver’s license/passport)
  2. Address of departure
  3. Date and time of departure
  4. Date and Time of arrival
  5. Total miles Estimated to be traveled (for estimation, please use this destination address: 915 Greene St, Columbia, SC 29201)

Highway mileage guides. When traveling by privately owned motorcycles or automobiles, distances between points traveled shall be as shown in standard highway mileage guides such as the Rand McNally Atlas or available Internet MAP services. Actual miles driven as determined from odometer readings are also acceptable. (Actual odometer readings need not be shown on the travel voucher.) Any substantial deviations from distances shown in the standard highway mileage guides shall be explained. The mileage rate as authorized or approved may be paid from the point the trainee begins the journey. An economy priced flight comparison is needed for any mileage over 500 miles each way, and the traveler will be reimbursed the less of the two. See the university’s travel policy for more information. Reimbursement to the traveler shall be at the mileage rates prescribed in the current edition of FTR 301-10.300 et seq.

As of January 1, 2023, the mileage rates are:

  • Privately owned automobile:  $0.655 per mile
  • Privately owned motorcycle:  $0.635 per mile
  • Distances under 60 miles will not be compensated, and distances over 500 miles will be compensated at the market price of an economy flight and not by mileage (per USC policy)

Carpooling. Mileage shall be payable to only one of two or more trainees who travel together on the same trip and in the same personal vehicle, but no deduction shall be made from the mileage regardless of whether the other passengers helped defray the operating expenses.

Use of actual and reasonable schedules. In making the foregoing constructive cost comparisons of transportation, scheduled departure and arrivals of planes, trains, and buses at unreasonable hours shall be disregarded (“unreasonable hours” means those which would unduly inconvenience the traveler or adversely affect his or her safety). For audit purposes, NIH policy is that scheduled departure or arrival of planes, trains, and buses after 12:00 midnight or before 6:00 a.m. shall be considered “unreasonable hours.”

*NOTE: We understand that travel can be unpredictable, and we cannot anticipate every single scenario, so please make sure to discuss any decisions regarding travel and any asociated complications with Audrey Auen and Banky Olatosi. We will work with you to make sure you are taken care of! This includes extending your housing accommodations in needed. While we appreciate and understand that driving at very early or late times can be unavoidable, please know that program staff will respond as soon as they are able.

Air Travel

Airline Ticket Policy/Procedure. It will be the responsibility of the trainee to choose the round-trip flight that they wish to take and provide the following information about said flight in a form provided by the program coordinator (PC) upon acceptance to the T-35 summer research program (see T-35 Trainee Logistics Form, or contact Ms. Audrey Auen for questions):

  1. Your exact name as listed on your government issued ID (i.e. driver’s license/passport)
  2. Your Date of Birth
  3. Frequent flyer mile number (if applicable)
  4. Name of the Airline
  5. Flight Number
  6. Date and time of Departure
  7. Date and time of Return

Please note that this information will be used to generate the traveler’s ticket via third-party travel agency, and it is crucial that the information provided by the traveler is accurate. Once the ticket is issued, the traveler will be encouraged to review and verify the information on their ticket prior to travel. 

It is important that the trainee does not pay for their own ticket and that the flight they choose is round-trip and meets the following criteria:

  • Destination. The flight should be destined for the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. Any other destination must be approved by the T-35 Executive Committee
  • Class. Coach class fares must be used, unless first-class or premium other than first-class service is specifically authorized
  • Flag Carriers. U.S. flag air carrier service must be used, unless use of foreign air carrier service is specifically authorized, and
  • Timeliness: Ticket requests must be made via the T-35 Trainee Logistics Form provided by the program coordinator upon acceptance into the T-35 program (please contact Ms. Audrey Auen at akkuhn@email.sc.edu for questions)

The PC will use the information you provide in the T-35 Trainee Logistics Form to book your flight for you through their UofSC-approved third-party travel agency. It is imperative that you do not pay for your own ticket but submit the ticket request as early as possible to ensure that your flight is reserved. In the event that your flight becomes unavailable upon time of purchase through the agency, the PC will reach out to coordinate an alternative flight.

Use of actual and reasonable schedules. In making the foregoing constructive cost comparisons of transportation, scheduled departure and arrivals of planes, trains, and buses at unreasonable hours shall be disregarded (“unreasonable hours” means those which would unduly inconvenience the traveler or adversely affect his or her safety). For audit purposes, NIH policy is that scheduled departure or arrival of planes, trains, and buses after 12:00 midnight or before 6:00 a.m. shall be considered “unreasonable hours.”

*NOTE: We understand that travel can be unpredictable, and we cannot anticipate every single scenario, so please make sure to discuss any decisions regarding travel and any asociated complications with Audrey Auen and Banky Olatosi. We will work with you to make sure you are taken care of! This includes extending your housing accommodations in needed. While we appreciate and understand that red-eye flights can be unavoidable, please know that program staff will respond as soon as they are able.


The following procedure outlines the guidelines for those who wish to be compensated for traveling via train or bus. Please note that rental vehicles will not be compensated beyond that of highway mileage reimbursement for initial travel to the university from the trainee’s point of origin, and back upon conclusion of the program due to the potential liabilities (See the Uber, Lyft, or other Taxi/Shuttle Service section of this page). When you arrive to campus, we will arrange shuttle services to facilitate travel between housing and learning facilities at specific times.

Train/Bus Policy/Procedure. When air travel is not feasible (i.e. booking options unavailable, aviophobia/aerophobia, etc.), the trainee may opt for traveling by train or bus. The mileage payment shall be limited to the constructive cost of first-class rail transportation or coach accommodations when the elapsed time of the journey is 4 hours or less. It is the general policy of the NIH that less-than-premium-class accommodations shall be used for all modes of passenger transportation. If a trainee chooses to travel by train or bus, they must present their ticket to the PC upon purchase.

Use of First-Class accommodations. Such accommodations may be authorized or approved only under the following conditions:

  • No coach class accommodations are reasonably available. “Reasonably available” means available and scheduled to leave within 24 hours of the trainee’s proposed departure time, or scheduled to arrive within 24 hours of the trainee’s proposed arrival time
  • When such use is necessary to accommodate a disability or other special need

Extra-fare trains. The Acela is an extra fare train service, as defined by the FTR, and its use requires prior authorization. Failure to receive prior authorization will result in not being reimbursed for the related expenses.

Use of actual and reasonable schedules. In making the foregoing constructive cost comparisons of transportation, scheduled departure and arrivals of planes, trains, and buses at unreasonable hours shall be disregarded (“unreasonable hours” means those which would unduly inconvenience the traveler or adversely affect his or her safety). For audit purposes, NIH policy is that scheduled departure or arrival of planes, trains, and buses after 12:00 midnight or before 6:00 a.m. shall be considered “unreasonable hours.”

*NOTE: We understand that travel can be unpredictable, and we cannot anticipate every single scenario, so please make sure to discuss any decisions regarding travel and any asociated complications with Audrey Auen and Banky Olatosi. We will work with you to make sure you are taken care of! This includes extending your housing accommodations in needed. While we appreciate and understand that red-eye tickets can be unavoidable, please know that program staff will respond as soon as they are able.

Uber, Lyft, or other Taxi/Shuttle Service

If the trainee travels by plane, train, or bus and requires an Uber, Lyft, or other Taxi/Shuttle Service to transport them to and from carrier terminals (i.e. plane terminal, bus station, train station), they will receive compensation. Please note that rental vehicles will not be compensated beyond that of highway mileage reimbursement for initial travel to the university from the trainee’s point of origin, and back upon conclusion of the program due to the potential liabilities. When you arrive to campus, we will arrange shuttle services to facilitate travel between housing and learning facilities at specific times.

Procedures for using Uber, Lyft, or other Taxi/Shuttle Service to and from carrier terminals. Reimbursement shall be allowed for the usual taxicab and shuttle service, e.g., airport taxi fares, plus tip, between a common carrier or other terminal and destination (i.e. housing location). However, available courtesy transportation service furnished by hotel and motels shall be used by trainees to the maximum extent possible as a first source of transportation between point of origin and common carrier terminal. Reimbursement shall be allowed for tips when courtesy transportation service is used. For reimbursement, the trainee must present proof of payment (i.e. physical or digital receipts) to the PC (Ms. Audrey Auen) via email as soon as reasonably possible.

The PI shall, when appropriate, restrict the use of taxicabs and shuttle services under the description above or place a monetary limit on the amount of reimbursement when:

  • University-provided or common carrier transportation service is available for all, or part of the distance involved
  • Courtesy transportation service is provided by hotels and motels between the point of origin and common carrier terminal

Use of actual and reasonable schedules. In making the foregoing constructive cost comparisons of transportation, scheduled departure and arrivals of planes, trains, and buses at unreasonable hours shall be disregarded (“unreasonable hours” means those which would unduly inconvenience the traveler or adversely affect his or her safety). For audit purposes, NIH policy is that scheduled departure or arrival of planes, trains, and buses after 12:00 midnight or before 6:00 a.m. shall be considered “unreasonable hours.”

*NOTE: We understand that travel can be unpredictable, and we cannot anticipate every single scenario, so please make sure to discuss any decisions regarding travel and any asociated complications with Audrey Auen and Banky Olatosi. We will work with you to make sure you are taken care of! This includes extending your housing accommodations in needed. While we appreciate and understand that red-eye flights can be unavoidable, please know that program staff will respond as soon as they are able. 

A Special Thanks to Our Funder

The BDHSC would like to thank the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases for making this program possible through their T35 grant award.