R25 FAQs

Common questions concerning the program are posted on this page, which we update frequently. Contact Ms. Miranda Nixon at mc95@mailbox.sc.edu if you can’t find the answer to your question here or need further explanation of what’s mentioned here. We’ll respond to your inquiry and update this page as necessary.


1. Can I apply if I’m from another SC institution not listed on the website?

Yes. Please notify the program directors when you decide to apply.

2. Can I apply if I’m an undergraduate student with engineering or business majors but studying health-related subjects and planning to pursue a health-related graduate degree or profession?

Yes, you may apply.

3. I am an incoming freshman, am I eligible to apply?

You are eligible to apply but must have at least one year (two academic semesters) of full-time registration or equivalent accomplishments of at least 12 credit hours at a University/College by the time of the program start.

Applications Requirements

1. Can I submit my application by email?

No, your application needs to be submitted online by following the link provided on the website. If you are having trouble navigating the application portal, please contact mc95@mailbox.sc.edu.

2. Can I submit my transcript after the deadline?

No, all required documents must be submitted by the deadline unless prior approval for an extension has been granted.

3. Can I submit an unofficial transcript?

Yes, you may submit your most up to date unofficial transcripts.

4. Can I submit the letter of support with my application? Or is it something that my academic advisor should provide?

You will be asked to submit the signed letter of support at the time of your application in the application portal. Your advisor/recommender will not need to send this letter in separately.

5. Will there be an orientation so that I can meet the mentors in person and provide R25 research mentors and career mentors I wish to work with later?

There will be an orientation for all admitted students at which their mentors will be present. However, mentor pairing is finalized prior to this orientation. You should include a list of your first and second choice mentors at the time of your application by exploring the R25 mentors webpage, https://bigdata.sc.edu/r25-e-scholar-mentors/. Mentor pairing follows a two-way selection process. Both student and mentor will agree to the match. If either does not think it’s a good fit, a new mentor will be nominated, and the matching process will start again until completed.

6. Should I reach out to the R25 research mentors and career mentors I wish to work with and get their confirmation before providing their names?

Yes, we encourage you to do this. Please notify the program directors if you correspond with a potential mentor.

Program Schedule and Commitments

1. How many hours per month will I be expected to commit to the program during the academic year?

You can expect to spend around 20 hours per month on program activities during the academic year. You will be given a stipend of $1,500 each semester.

2. When exactly will the summer training camp begin and end?

The program leadership will survey each accepted student to find the best exact start and end times for the summer training. It will tentatively be held from the middle of May through the end of June 2024.


1. Do you give recommendations on where to stay for out of Columbia, SC participants?

Yes. Housing will be provided for the 6-week training institute. Housing choice is the responsibility of program personnel. Once trainees are selected, we send out a logistics form that will cover housing preferences.